
 Plant lovers love succulents for their beautiful appearance and easy maintenance. However, many times, the leaves of succulents will begin to wilt, fade, and become leggy in the first few weeks or even months. This phenomenon is related to the "acclimation period" of succulents. If your succulents have the same problem, read the following content to find the correct maintenance method for your succulents to become beautiful!


What is the acclimation period of succulents?


"Acclimation period" refers to the transition period when succulents adapt to new soil and new environments after changing pots or arriving in a new environment. During this period, succulents need to re-establish the connection between the root system and the soil and then restore normal water and nutrient absorption functions.

Each succulent plant will go through a different degree of adaptation process after entering a new environment or changing pots. The length of this process depends on the variety of succulents, soil type, environmental conditions, and maintenance methods.

Typically, the acclimation period for succulents is one week to 1 month. Some succulent species can take even longer.

During this stage, succulents will show wilting and dropping of leaves at the bottom and periphery. However, succulents will eventually regain their health and show new vigor with proper care.


During theacclimation period, the behavior of succulents can be: "normal" and "abnormal." Understanding these performances can help you determine whether the plant is adapting to the new environment in a healthy manner.

Performance of normal acclimation of succulents


● Leaf withering or falling off: Old leaves at the bottom may turn yellow, dry up, or fall off. Succulents prioritize preserving nutrients in the upper leaves and consuming the bottom leaves.


● Color fade or dull: Due to environmental changes, differences in light, temperature, and humidity can cause the leaf color to become dull or even lose its original luster. This is the result of the plant adjusting itself to the new environment.


● Growth stagnation: Succulents will focus resources on repairing the root system, so there may be no new growth during the acclimation period. This is a strategy to prioritize the development of the root system, which usually lasts 2 to 4 weeks.


● Softening of leaves: Because the root system has not fully recovered, the plant cannot absorb enough water, so the leaves may become slightly soft, but after the environment stabilizes, the leaves will become firm and full again.


● Aerial roots appear: When the air humidity is high, or the soil is dry, the plant may grow aerial roots. This is a self-protection behavior of the plant trying to get more water, indicating that the plant is adapting to the environment.


Abnormal performance of succulents in the pot period


These phenomena may indicate that there is a problem with succulents, which may be caused by environmental discomfort, root damage, or other improper maintenance.

1. A large number of leaves fall off or rot: If a large number of succulent leaves fall off quickly especially the young upper leaves. Leaf rot may also occur at this time. This is usually a problem with the succulent root system caused by overwatering or high humidity.


2. Root rot or blackening: If the roots of succulents in the pot period are black or show signs of rot, the plant may be infected with bacteria or affected by overwatering.


3. Leaves become severely soft or mushy: This usually means that the succulent roots are failing to absorb water, which may be due to overwatering, poor soil permeability, or root damage.

succulents-Leaves-become severely-soft-or-mushy

4. Leggy plants: If the stems of succulents are rapidly elongated and the leaves are sparse during the acclimation period, this is usually due to insufficient light. Plants in the acclimation period need bright diffuse light, but an environment that is too dark will cause leggy growth.


So, how do you deal with succulents that are not acclimatized normally?


1. Clear the rotten parts: If the leaves and stems are rotten, it is recommended to cut off all the rotten parts of the succulents, apply cinnamon to the wounds, and place them in a ventilated place for 2-4 days. After that, re-select the succulent special mixed soil and the flower pot with drainage holes for planting.


2. Control watering: Especially before the succulent roots are fully recovered, it is recommended not to water and use a watering can to keep the soil slightly moist.

3. Improve ventilation: Succulents are prone to mold growth in poorly ventilated environments. Keeping air circulation helps avoid this.

4. Adjust the light: Make sure there is enough light but not too strong. Bright diffuse light is ideal. You can gradually increase the intensity of sunlight.


How do you properly care for succulents during the acclimation period?

Succulents are particularly fragile during the acclimation period. How should we care for them in order to make them acclimatize?

1. Reduce watering: Do not water succulents immediately in large quantities during the initial stage of the acclimation period. Because the root system of succulents has not fully recovered at this time, too much water may cause root rot. It is recommended not to water at all in the first week. Wait until a week later to check whether the soil is dry before watering.

2. Soil: Use a mixed soil designed for succulents and ensure that the soil has good drainage. To keep it moderately moist, spray a small amount of water on the dry soil until it feels moist but not sticky, which can provide the necessary moisture to the root system without being too wet.


3. Appropriate light: Succulents during the acclimation period have relatively low light requirements. Do not expose succulents directly to strong light. Succulents can be placed in a place with good diffuse light to allow them to gradually adapt to the lighting conditions of the new environment.


4. Maintain good ventilation: Good air circulation is very important for the health of succulents during the acclimation period. Avoid keeping the plants in a closed or humid environment, which can effectively prevent mold growth or disease invasion.


5. Temperature: Maintaining a suitable temperature is also important for succulents during the acclimation period. Generally speaking, the ideal temperature is between 15°C and 25°C.

How to judge whether succulents have successfully passed the acclimation period?


After a period of adaptation, succulents will acclimate. Succulent acclimation usually means that the plant has grown a healthy root system that can support the normal consumption of succulents.

There are usually the following signs to judge whether succulents have successfully acclimatized:

1. New roots grow: The recovery of the root system is the core sign of the success of succulent acclimation. When you find that the roots of the plant begin to develop new white roots, it means that it has gradually adapted to the new environment. You can gently pull the plant. If you feel resistance, the roots have been firmly established in the soil, which is one of the signals of successful acclimation.


2. Succulent leaves are full again: After the acclimation period, the leaves of succulent plants, especially the outer leaves, will gradually regain their fullness and luster and will no longer be weak or withered. This indicates that the plant's water and nutrient absorption function has returned to normal, which is another sign of successful acclimation.


3. Start new growth: If you find that the plant begins to sprout new leaves, it means that it has entered a normal growth state and the succulent has successfully passed the acclimation period.

Even if the root system may not be fully developed sometimes, the leaves of succulents may have recovered. At this time, continue to take care of them according to the maintenance methods of the acclimation period, avoid direct sunlight, and ensure that the plants recover steadily.

After the succulents have successfully passed the acclimation period, you can gradually increase the light and maintain normal maintenance.


The acclimation period of succulent plants is a stage that every newly purchased or repotted plant must go through. Although the appearance of succulents may decline during this process, as long as we master the correct maintenance methods and wait patiently, the succulents will eventually recover. Don't be discouraged by the temporary "ugliness"; give succulents some time, and succulents will reward you with the best attitude!

At the same time, being able to get succulents to gradually go from wilted looking to healthy and full of foliage is also the greatest joy and fulfillment of gardening.

I hope this blog can help succulent lovers better understand and care for plants in the acclimation period!

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