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Succulents are drought-tolerant, easy-to-care-for plants found in various forms and colors. They are primarily grown in dry conditions with minimal water requirements and excellent drainage.
Succulent care is also not an issue as they store plenty of water, making it available to plant but making a balanced landscape solely with succulents is a bit challenging. Most succulent varieties are low-lying or do not bloom. In such a case, growing other plants with succulents is the best idea to bring colors, texture, and height to the garden. So when selecting any plant to grow with succulents, make sure its growth requirements are similar to succulents, and its color, shape, or form complements your succulent garden.
Here are some plants that you can grow with succulents:
1. African Daisy
Size: 4 feet high, 2 feet wide
USDA Hardiness Zone: 10 – 11
African daisy is native to South Africa, and the plant produces many daisies over a more extended period in a warm climate. Daisies make ideal companionship with succulents due to their limited growth requirements and blooming habits. Typically, African daisies open up when the sun is up and close when the sun is gone but stop blooming during the hot days. That's why it is good to pair them with cacti species that will brighten up the space with their blooms and give a non-stop floral display.
2. Hummingbird Plant
Size: 2 feet high, 3 feet wide
USDA Hardiness Zone: 7 – 9
The hummingbird plant is a sturdy, drought-tolerant ornamental plant with bright blooms. This adaptable perennial proves a brilliant addition to the succulent garden. Its velvety leaves and red tube-shaped flowers highlight your garden, and on top of all, the hummingbird plant is hardy, allowing you to have pretty blooms even with minimal care. Hummingbird plant pairs well with Agave, Echeveria, and Cactus.
3. Red Valerian
Size: 4 feet high, 2 feet wide
USDA Hardiness Zone: 5 - 8
Fragrant, bushy, and highly ornamental Red valerian is known for its most extended blooming season. This Red valerian is fairly easy to care for, drought tolerant, and does not need a lot of water to survive, just like succulents. Red Valerian blooms from summer to late fall and produces plenty of pinks, and white or blue-green flowers, depending on the species adding color to the succulent garden. You can grow Red Valerian with different cactus species and other succulents.

4. Lavender
Size: 4 feet high, 5 feet wide
USDA Hardiness Zone: 5 – 9
Lavender is well known for its aromatic scent, gray-green foliage, and spikes or purple flower. The plant grows in dry, well-drained soil and is drought-resistant. Tall lavender spikes are the main reason for growing this stunning plant among succulents as they bring color and texture to the landscape blooming from late spring to late summer. Plenty of succulent varieties can be paired with lavender, making the perfect backdrop to small cacti, Agave, Aeonium, or Aloe.

5. Mountain Pepper (Drimys lanceolata)
Size: 12 feet high, 10 feet wide
USDA Hardiness Zone: 7 – 10
Mountain pepper is an evergreen shrub or tall tree grown for a unique red-green combination in the landscape. The oval green leaves of Mountain pepper contrast with pink red stems making it an attractive feature tree. Creamy yellow or white flowers appear in spring, followed by small red berries that turn black as they ripen – giving you countless opportunities to celebrate Mountain Pepper in your garden.

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6. Sage
Size: 9 feet tall and wide
USDA Hardiness Zone: 4 – 8
Sage is a hardy perennial with grayish-green foliage that is good for bordering succulents. It grows spikes of spring flowers in different colors, but purple or blue varieties are the most common. You can grow sage with multiple succulent varieties.

7. Blue Fescue
Size: 1 foot high and a few inches wide
USDA Hardiness Zone: 4 – 8
Blue fescue is an ornamental grass with icy blue foliage and pale yellow flowers. Unlike many ornamental grasses, Blue fescue is drought tolerant and can bear neglect. Its fine texture and carefree growth habit make it popular among gardeners, and they use it for heavier or dramatic plantings. Blue fescue is one of the most vigorous ornamental grasses that can live for a long time without your much intervention.
When growing Blue fescue with succulents, make sure to select a variety that grows in full sun because this grass thrives best in full sun. You can go for Graptopetalum, Agave, small Aloes, and Echeveria.

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8. Euphorbia
Size: 2 feet high, 3 – 5 feet wide
USDA Hardiness Zone: 4 – 8
Euphorbia is a vast genus of plants, most of which are succulents, so it is a pretty win-win situation to plant it near other succulents as both have similar growth requirements. Euphorbia is mainly grown for landscape use due to their fascinating shapes and foliage, while few are known for their flowers. One of the most popular Euphorbia spp. that is not a succulent is the Poinsettia which is suitable for the succulent, rich landscape. You can plant Euphorbia with cacti or mix it with other Euphorbia varieties.
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9. Yarrow
Size: 4 feet high, 1 – 3 feet wide
USDA Hardiness Zone: 3 – 9
Yarrow is an attractive medium-sized plant known for its pleasant odor. It is drought resistant and considered a tough plant with a tendency to spread by rhizome, but it is worth it. You can quickly identify this plant by its feathery foliage and flattened flower clusters that could be yellow, pink, white, red, or orange and bloom from late spring to late summer. Yarrow makes a perfect pair with sun-loving succulents.
10. Agapanthus
Size: 2 feet high and a few inches wide
USDA Hardiness Zone: 7 – 11
Agapanthus, also known as African lily, is a perennial that is easy to grow and looks stunning. An upright stalk of long shiny leaves and bright colored flowers make this plant showy along succulents. You can grow this plant in the center or border of the succulent garden as Aloe, Cacti and other succulent varieties are suitable to be planted together.
What Plants Can be Grown with Succulents?
Succulents are not demanding plants, and their multiple varieties make it easy to add different colors and textures to the landscape. You can have annuals, perennials, herbs, and even ornamental grasses next to the succulents; they do really well. When growing any plant next to the succulent, ensure they are parallel in the growth requirements to co-exist in the same environment.