Soft Succulents

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Echeveria Ice Green (4 inch)

Echeveria Ice Green (4 inch)

-About Echeveria Ice Green-Echeveria Ice Green is a rare succulent. The beautiful succulent with compact rosette shape and ice-green color leaves. The color of the leaves will become crystal clear...
Echeveria Purpusorum (4 inch)

Echeveria Purpusorum (4 inch)

About Echeveria PurpusorumEcheveria Purpusorum is a rosette succulent. The compact rosette with triangular-ovate leaves. Usually, this succulent species has an overall gray color, when subjected to sunlight and temperature stress,...
Echeveria Chroma Cluster (4 inch)

Echeveria Chroma Cluster (4 inch)

About Echeveria Chroma ClusterEcheveria Chroma is a variegated succulent that has dark variegated leaves. The leaves can turn to blue, purple, pink, orange, or even a metallic brown within corresponding...
Crassula Rupestris (4 inch)

Crassula Rupestris (4 inch)

From $12.50
About Crassula Rupestris (4 inch) The name "Crassula Rupestris" is derived from its habitat and plant characteristics. "Crassula" is the genus name, meaning "thick." "Rupestris" comes from the Latin "rupes,"...