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Kalanchoe tomentosa/Panda Plant (4 inch)

Kalanchoe tomentosa/Panda Plant (4 inch)

-About Kalanchoe tomentosa/Panda Plant-Kalanchoe tomentosa/Panda Plant is a green succulent with brown spots on the tips of the leaves. The furry succulent plant often is a favorite of children because...

Sempervivum Arachnoideum

From $5.12
-About Sempervivum arachnoideum- Sempervivum arachnoideum, sometimes called hens-and-chicks. It is an evergreen perennial succulent plant, forming a mat of the fleshy rosette. The fleshy leaves are adorned with cobwebby white...

Fenestraria rhopalophylla / Baby Toes

From $5.68
About Fenestraria rhopalophylla/Baby ToesFenestraria rhopalophylla has an interesting nickname, "Baby Toes," because of its cute appearance. The green finger shape leaves with leaf windows grow in upright clusters, and the leaf...

x Graptoveria 'A Grim One'

From $4.99
About X Graptoveria ‘A Grim One’ X Graptoveria ‘A Grim One’ , produces clusters of tight rosettes, up to 5 inches, with thick, flechy blue-green color leaves. A hint of...
Pachyphytum 'Machucae' /Baby finger

Pachyphytum 'Machucae' /Baby finger

From $4.99
About Pachyphytum 'Machucae' /Baby fingerPachyphytum 'Machucae' /Baby finger is rare Korean Succulent. Its leaves are chubby like baby's fingers, typically soft to vivid lavendar color, will turn bright mangos and...
Graptosedum Miul

Graptosedum Miul

From $4.99
About Graptosedum MiulGraptosedum Miul is a rarely stunning cross succulent between Graptopetalum Amethystinum and Sedum Clavatum, belonging to the Graptopetalum genus in the Crassulaceae family. The orangish-pinkish with pale green...
x Graptoveria 'Margaret Rose'

x Graptoveria 'Margaret Rose'

From $4.99
About x Graptoveria' Margaret Rose' x Graptoveria' Margaret Rose', also known as x Graptoveria 'Norma', is a hybrid combination of Graptopetalum Amethystinum and Echeveria lilacina. With fatty foliage clusters around,...
Pachyveria Glauca 'Little Jewel' (4 inch)

Pachyveria Glauca 'Little Jewel' (4 inch)

From $13.50
-About Pachyveria Glauca 'Little Jewel'-Pachyveria Glauca 'Little Jewel' belongs to the Pachyveria genus, which is a cross between Pachphytum and Echeveria. Glauca 'Little Jewel' features tapered cylindrical foliage, forming a...
x Graptoveria 'Debbi'

x Graptoveria 'Debbi'

-About x Graptoveria 'Debbi'-x Graptoveria 'Debbi' is a stunning Echeveria hybrid of Graptopetalum amethystinum x Echeveria sp. It shows off a beautiful rosette with fleshy, pastel blueish-purple leaves. The tips...
x Pachysedum 'Ganzhou'

x Pachysedum 'Ganzhou'

From $4.99
About x Pachysedum 'Ganzhou'x Pachysedum 'Ganzhou' is a hybrid rare succulent between the Pachyphytum and a Sedum succulent. The thick and upright leaves with powdery coating look like fingers. Under...
Parodia scopa / Silver Ball Cactus (4 inch)

Parodia scopa / Silver Ball Cactus (4 inch)

-About Parodia scopa / Silver Ball Cactus-Parodia scopa, also asked Silver Ball Cactus, it is a cactus. The "scopa " means "broom", as the name, it has sliver long spines....
Oscularia Pedunculata

Oscularia Pedunculata

From $4.99
About Oscularia PedunculataOscularia Pedunculata is ornamental succulent belonging to the Oscularia genus in the Aizoaceae family, originating in South Africa or selected coastal areas of the United States. The stem...